Sydney Cytometry
The Sydney Cytometry facility is a joint initiative of the University of Sydney and Centenary Institute.
About Sydney Cytometry
Sydney Cytometry is one of the Core Research Facilities at the University of Sydney. Sydney Cytometry is uniquely established through a collaboration between the Centenary Institute and the University of Sydney. It is a core research facility for flow cytometry, cell sorting, image cytometry, mass cytometry and genomic cytometry that serves the University of Sydney campus and beyond.
The Facility is underpinned by cutting-edge instrumentation as well as being supported by both academic and technical expertise. A steering committee chaired by a senior University of Sydney academic oversees the operation of this resource partnership.
Sydney Cytometry is committed to the continuing development and transfer of cytometry expertise and techniques and thus enhancing the role of cytometry as a major modality in biological/biomedical research. We aim to take current research to the next level of discovery and maintain our position on the cutting-edge through ongoing search for funding to support the people and instruments that make this possible.
Case Studies
The Sydney Cytometry facility hosts instruments across Flow Cytometry, Cell Sorting, Mass Cytometry, Image Cytometry and Genomic Cytometry.

Supporting you to produce high quality data
User Access Scheme
The Core Research Facilities provides grant support to University of Sydney and formally affiliated partner institution researchers looking to explore incorporating new technologies into their research. Full details including eligibility requirements can be found on the University of Sydney website. Please reach out to facility staff to discuss your project and submission plans info@sydneycytometry.org.au

When publishing using data acquired or supported by Sydney Cytometry, we ask that you include us in your acknowledgements. This supports us to continue doing the work we do.
Suggested Wording
The authors acknowledge the Sydney Cytometry Core Research Facility, a joint initiative of Centenary Institute and the University of Sydney, for assistance with [Insert what we supported here].
For further information about acknowledging the Sydney Cytometry facility please contact us at: info@sydneycytometry.org.au