In flow cytometry, a suspension of single particles (often cells) is labelled with antibodies against various surface or intracelluar targets. These antibodies are conjugated to fluorescent molecules (fluorophores) which, when excited by a laser, emit light that is captured by a fluorescence detector. The use of multiple lasers and detectors allow us to label particles with up to 40 individual fluorophore conjugated antibodies.
Cell sorting enables researchers to identify and isolate populations of interest from a heterogeneous solution. Based on the same technology as Flow Cytometry Analysis, with the added benefit of isolating targeted events into tubes for down stream applications.
Image Cytometry combines the measurement of single cells, with locational information. Providing more than simply measuring cells, a number of platforms have the capacity to simultaneously measure and image cells, in a high-throughput capacity.
Put simply, mass cytometry replaces the fluorescent reporters used in fluorescence flow cytometry, with metal isotopes, which are detected using cytometry by time-of-flight mass spectrometry (CyTOF). This has expanded the number of parameters that can be detected simultaneously on single cells to approximately 40 (with >100 theoretically achievable), due to the absence of signal overlap between metal isotopes. This allows an investigator to measure an enormous number of extracellular and intracellular targets simultaneously.
Genomic Cytometry facilitates a variety of single-cell multiomics assays by enabling streamlined sample preparation for down stream sequencing. Enabling researchers to measure: whole-transcriptime (WTA) or targeted transcripts, protein expression (via AbSeq labelling), and multiple samples (through sample multiplex labelling).
Sydney Cytometry hosts a wide range of program licences to enable you to better explore and analyse your data. These programs, combined with the expertise and support of our Technical Specialists, will set you up to independently analyse your data.